Release Notes
Published on November, 2023
New Features
- Users can select the path for restoration of the ERM database
- User Assignment of Short Channel Name ($PnN)
- Enhanced Daily Clean Reminder
Special Note – CytExpert v2.6 has been tested in and is supported in Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 LTSC 2019, 64-bit. CytExpert v2.6 has not been tested in any version of Microsoft Windows other than those listed and is not supported in any other operating system. Users with workstations that have not been upgraded to Windows 10, 64-bit are encouraged to upgrade to a supported operating system prior to installation of CytExpert v2.6.
Bug Fixes
- CytoFLEX LX Flow Cytometers experiencing issues with the power switch inside of CytExpert will now be able to utilize this function
- CytExpert v2.5 was erroneously recognized as a computer virus by a variety of anti-virus software programs.
- Software cannot start in some cases
- Message “Drive does not have enough disk space” on disconnected neThreerk
- QC fail with UV value at 3000 gain
- Correct OS instruction error in IFU
- Title not displayed in batch printing or batch export
- Sample injection mode can be switched after turning “off”
- Tube data is damaged when reopening experiment
- No cursor in password box on login
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Published on March 4, 2022
New Features
- The Graphical User Interface (GUI) for CytExpert will be visible to the user while the instrument is under control of an Application Programming Interface (API) commonly used by automation platforms.
- The CytExpert API is compatible with all installation modes (i.e. Default, User Management and Electronic Records Management).
- The CytExpert API is compatible with all sample loading modes (i.e. Manual, Semi-automatic, Plate Loader).
- CytExpert will maintain consistent parameter keywords as displayed in the header of FCS files.
- CytExpert will rename “Recommended Gains” to “QC Gains” to identify the source of the gain settings.
- CytExpert will create channel names by combining the initial of the laser (e.g. V for Violet or I for Infrared) with the midpoint value of the bandpass filter (e.g. the channel named FITC becomes B525, the channel named KO525 becomes V525).
- CytExpert v2.5 contains an updated link to Cytobank to reflect the changed URL for that product.
- The algorithm for scanning 561nm (Yellow) laser power in the QC process has been adjusted
- A waste pump cleaning procedure has been added to the System Startup Program.
Special Note - CytExpert v2.5 has been tested in and is supported in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, 64-bit. CytExpert v2.5 has not been tested in any version of Microsoft Windows other than those listed and is not supported in any other operating system. Users with workstations that have not been upgraded to Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, 64-bit are encouraged to upgrade to a supported operating system prior to installation of CytExpert v2.5.
Bug Fixes
- The information expression about the password expired time is wrong.
- The width value in QC report cannot display completely.
- The PDF of worksheet does not display the experiment file path correctly.
- Bug in naming rules under "Set As Sample Wells".
- Error message "Save failed. There is not enough space on the disk."
- The plot of exported PDF file is not displayed correctly when exporting worksheet to PDF file with 125% of display setting of Windows
- The data of plot is incorrect when acquiring data with option of "Append data to existing file"
- The position of Max High Current and Max Low Current in the Laser Configuration window are not correct when language setting is Chinese.
- The acquisition data cannot be saved if the end of compensation experiment file name includes space character.
- The software is frozen when the data of the customized parameter
- Incorrect calculation of statistics value "Events/uL (V)" when gates have been used on "Time Plots"
- CytExpert Admin Password Restore Tool does not accept numeric entries from the keyboard number pad.
- The exported PDF file cannot be shown correctly when the display setting of OS is not 100%.
- The CSV file exported from the statistical table is not correct if the gate name incudes the "," (CSV separator).
- The sample type of tube is changed from cell to beads when importing FCS to tube of compensation experiment if original sample type is cell.
- The CSV value exported from the specified data via “Export to CSV File” is not same as the CSV value exported via “Export Tubes to CSV Files”.
- The screen saver of Windows is not available during acquiring data.
- The experiment file format has NET Binary Formatter vulnerability.
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
New Features
- The software shall support the detector configuration of the WDM Beam Splitter editable for the user.
- CytExpert software shall have the switch function for changing among the original configuration, beam splitter for violet configuration and beam-splitter for Near UV/UV configuration as needed:
- original configuration-> beam-splitter for violet configuration
- original configuration->beam-splitter for Near UV/UV configuration
- beam-splitter for violet configuration->beam-splitter for Near UV/UV configuration
- beam-splitter for Near UV/UV configuration->beam-splitter for violet configuration
- beam-splitter for violet configuration->original configuration
- beam-splitter for Near UV/UV configuration->original configuration
- IR laser shall remain turned off while using the WDM Beam Splitter.
- The CytExpert software shall be able to support geometric means for the statistics analysis and the statistics could be exported as CSV files.
- The software shall contain link to Cytobank in its menu. The link address:; Cytobank logo with link to Cytobank login or trial version.
Bug Fixes
- User cannot delete tube in user management mode.
- If current tube name is ①, click "New Tube", error dialog will be displayed.
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
New Features
- Account Policies
- Password Policy
- Configurable expiration setting
- Configurable complexity and minimum length
- Configurable range limiting repeat of previous passwords from 12 to 24
- Application Inactivity Policy
- Following configurable period from 1 to 60 minutes of inactivity, password required to unlock
- Manual lock, password required to unlock
- Administrator unlock for User forgotten password
- Account Lockout Policy
- Account locks after configurable number from 3 to 10 of invalid login attempts
- Configurable account lockout duration
- Password Policy
- Experiment Retention Period
- Per experiment or batch of experiment
- Configurable period from 0 to 99,999 days
- System controls retention of experiment within specified period
- Validated experiment may not be modified
- Experiment may be deleted after retention period
- Electronic Signatures
- Configurable signature hierarchy with up to Four levels of approval
- Administrator defined approval hierarchy with customizable names
- Configurable number of signatures within level of approval
- Rejection of experiment requires repeat of signature hierarchy
- Completed signature hierarchy validates experiment and prevents modification
- Signature Log within an experiment
- User ID and password upon first electronic signature in a continuous session.
- Subsequent signatures within a session require the password only.
- New Permissions Added to Role Manager
- Experiment and FCS File deletion
- Experiment retention period assignment and definition
- Sign or Reject experiment
- Set-up (configure) signature hierarchy
- Reports: Printing Worksheets
- Headers and Footers
- Header includes experiment name and path within the Experiment Explorer (closed system)
- Footer includes the username, full name, unambiguous date and time including UTC offset and comment associated with the signature.
- Batch Print Multiple Samples per report
- Smaller plots permit four in a row on A4 page
- Comment associated with printout facilitating archiving and audit trail
- Headers and Footers
- Audit Trails
- Backup and Restore
- Worksheet print
- Cytometer System startup
- Cytometer Daily clean
- Cytometer Deep clean
- Cytometer Prime
- Set retention period
- Set retention period options
- Signature Sign
- Signature Reject
- Account policies
- Rename/Move experiment
- Export experiment and FCS
- FCS file protection
- FCS filename is disguised in Windows directory
- FCS file integrity is checked in all Four modes of installation
- Checksum generated for FCS files to facilitate detection of data tampering
- Verification of data integrity for FCS files
- Changed “Mixing Mode” to “Plate Mode” in Plate Type Library
- Custom Keyword SWVER added to FCS file
Bug Fixes
- Admin account Forgot Password function repaired for disabled account
- Repaired failing stop condition when using hinged gate with angle greater than 90 degrees
- Repaired application exception when using Test FAPD
- Illegal characters in Experiment Name repaired
- Update the IFU download URL in CytExpert Help pointer file
- Application exception when closing a modeless dialog on Korean-language Windows 10
- Missing information from QC report
- Repaired QC pass when sample rate is below 100 event/sec